Whiskas 2-12 Months Chicken Dry Kitten Food 2kg


Whiskas 2-12 months dry kitten food is formulated with all the nutrients your kitten needs to grow up into a healthy and strong cat during the all important first year. Made up of delicious filled pocket kibbles with milk that your kitten will enjoy and be able to easily bite and digest. Contains an increased Vitamin E and Taurine content to support natural defences. Contains easily digestible chicken and rice, helping support the digestive tract. Contains calcium to promote the healthy development of bones and teeth. Extra small kibbles. Ingredients:Cereals, Meat and Animal Derivatives (including 4% Chicken in the Brown Kibbles), Vegetable Protein Extracts, Oils and Fats, Derivatives of Vegetable Origin, Minerals, Vegetables (4% Carrots in the Orange Kibbles, 4% Peas in the Green Kibbles), Milk and Milk Derivatives (4% Milk in the Nuggets), Antioxidants, Colourants from Natural Origin.Analytical Constituents:Protein 37%, Fat Content 12%, Crude Fibres 1.5%, Calcium 1.2%.

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Barcode: 5000166067799 SKU: 22883379001 Categorie:


Whiskas 2-12 months dry kitten food is formulated with all the nutrients your kitten needs to grow up into a healthy and strong cat during the all important first year. Made up of delicious filled pocket kibbles with milk that your kitten will enjoy and be able to easily bite and digest. Contains an increased Vitamin E and Taurine content to support natural defences. Contains easily digestible chicken and rice, helping support the digestive tract. Contains calcium to promote the healthy development of bones and teeth. Extra small kibbles. Ingredients:Cereals, Meat and Animal Derivatives (including 4% Chicken in the Brown Kibbles), Vegetable Protein Extracts, Oils and Fats, Derivatives of Vegetable Origin, Minerals, Vegetables (4% Carrots in the Orange Kibbles, 4% Peas in the Green Kibbles), Milk and Milk Derivatives (4% Milk in the Nuggets), Antioxidants, Colourants from Natural Origin.Analytical Constituents:Protein 37%, Fat Content 12%, Crude Fibres 1.5%, Calcium 1.2%.

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