Pedigree Meaty Meals in Jelly Wet Adult Dog Food Tins 400g x 24


A complete and delicious way to ensure your dog is getting vitamin goodness the Pedigree Can Meaty Meals Adult Dog Food is a succulent way to entice your dog at meal time. With a recipe designed to support four key areas of your dogs development, bone, digestion, skin and coat, and the immune system Pedigree have used their expertise to develop the most optimum level of vitamin and minerals to keep your dog radiating with health from the outside in. Key Features: 100% complete nutrition Healthy bones Healthy digestion Skin & coat Supports immune system No artificial colours or flavours No preservativesBeef and Vegetables Ingredients: Meat and Animal Derivatives (41%, including 4% Beef) Vegetables (4% mix of Peas and Carrots) Cereals Derivatives of Vegetable Origin (0.7% Dried Sugar Beet Pulp) Oils and Fats (0.5% Sunflower Oil) Minerals Lamb and Vegetables Ingredients: Meat and Animal Derivatives (41%, including 4% Lamb) Vegetables (4% mix of Peas and Carrots) Cereals Derivatives of Vegetable Origin (0.7% Dried Sugar Beet Pulp) Oils and Fats (0.5% Sunflower Oil) Minerals Chicken and Vegetables Ingredients: Meat and Animal Derivatives (41%, including 4% Chicken) Vegetables (4% of a mix of Peas and Carrots) Cereals Cereals Derivatives of Vegetable Origin (0.7% Dried Sugar Beet Pulp) Oils and Fats (0.5% Sunflower Oil) Minerals

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Barcode: 5000166069939 SKU: 24458026215 Categorie:


A complete and delicious way to ensure your dog is getting vitamin goodness the Pedigree Can Meaty Meals Adult Dog Food is a succulent way to entice your dog at meal time. With a recipe designed to support four key areas of your dogs development, bone, digestion, skin and coat, and the immune system Pedigree have used their expertise to develop the most optimum level of vitamin and minerals to keep your dog radiating with health from the outside in. Key Features: 100% complete nutrition Healthy bones Healthy digestion Skin & coat Supports immune system No artificial colours or flavours No preservativesBeef and Vegetables Ingredients: Meat and Animal Derivatives (41%, including 4% Beef) Vegetables (4% mix of Peas and Carrots) Cereals Derivatives of Vegetable Origin (0.7% Dried Sugar Beet Pulp) Oils and Fats (0.5% Sunflower Oil) Minerals Lamb and Vegetables Ingredients: Meat and Animal Derivatives (41%, including 4% Lamb) Vegetables (4% mix of Peas and Carrots) Cereals Derivatives of Vegetable Origin (0.7% Dried Sugar Beet Pulp) Oils and Fats (0.5% Sunflower Oil) Minerals Chicken and Vegetables Ingredients: Meat and Animal Derivatives (41%, including 4% Chicken) Vegetables (4% of a mix of Peas and Carrots) Cereals Cereals Derivatives of Vegetable Origin (0.7% Dried Sugar Beet Pulp) Oils and Fats (0.5% Sunflower Oil) Minerals

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